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Animal Analysis Groups

Animals can be grouped using animal analysis groups. This allows you to identify groups of animals, for example, for marketing purposes, discounts or to identify animals with current pet insurance. Limited date ranges can be applied for each animal for the analysis group if required. This is particularly useful when a client has a number of animals and only one is eligible for a range of discounts or a scheme, for example, a Puppy package.

Setting up Animal Analysis Groups

In order to use Animal Analysis Groups that may firstly be created in the Maintenance module.

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Animal Related > Animal Analysis Groups.

  1. Click Insert.
  2. Enter the description of the analysis group in the Group Description field.

  3. Click Save.
To attach analysis groups to animals

Animal analysis groups can be applied to individual animals from the Animal Details window.

  1. Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.
  2. Click Analysis Groups.


  3. From the Analysis Group List window, click Insert.
  4. From the Analysis Group window, click the Analysis Group arrow and then select the required analysis group.

  5. Click Save.

Identify which animals are in an Animal Analysis Group

Go to: Clients module > More Reports > Animal Analysis Groups.

Select one or more analysis groups from the list displayed when Selected Analysis Groups is clicked.

A report of the animals belonging to those analysis groups will be generated. This can be printed or viewed on screen.

For further information regarding using animal analysis groups with stock discounts, please refer to the Stock User Guide.

For further information regarding using animal analysis groups in Marketing searches and bulk updating of animal analysis groups, please refer to the Marketing User Guide.

See Also

Animal Details

Search for Animal

Animal Details window

Main tab

History tab

Activity tab

Photo tab

Reports tab

Creating and editing an Animal Record

Creating and editing an Equine Record

How to mark an animal as deceased

How to mark an animal as inactive

How to reactivate an inactive animal

Inserting animal reminders

Working with lab results

Importing and exporting clinical records

Transferring Animal Activity

Transferring an animal

Dealing with duplicated animal records

Referral Vets

Transferring Animal Activity

You may wish to transfer financial activity from one animal to another if, for example, the activity was entered on the wrong animal by mistake.

Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.

  1. From the Animal Details window, click the Activity tab.
  2. Select the invoice line items to be transferred to another animal and click Transfer Activity.

  3. Click Yes to the following prompt:

  4. Click OK to the following message:

  5. From the Animal List window, locate and double-click the animal to whom you wish to transfer the activity.

Transferring an animal

This procedure will move all details regarding the animal, that is, clinical records, lab results, reminders, and animal financial activity from one client to another.

You may wish to transfer an animal if, for example, ownership of the animal changes from one client to another.

You will only be able to transfer an animal if the client you are transferring to, is also set up as a client in VisionVPM. If this is not the case, for example, the animal is being relocated outside of the clinic area, you should make the animal Inactive.

Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.

  1. From the Animal Details window, click Transfer.
  2. Click Yes to the prompt, similar to the one following:

  3. From the Client List window, locate and double-click the client to whom you wish to transfer the animal.
  4. Click Update to change the following client and animal options.

Please note this procedure will not transfer client financial activity, that is, invoices, payments, credits relating to the animal. If, for example, the new client was also taking on any outstanding debt for the animal, you would have to transfer the relevant transactions.

For further information please refer to the Transferring invoices and payments section in this user guide.