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Introduction to Stock Control

The Stock module provides a wide variety of functionality including:

Graphs and bar charts are available for pictorial reporting of sales and purchase analysis in addition to hard-copy printouts and Excel reports. A full bar-coding system is included in the Stock module. The Stock module can interface with electronic ordering from both Provet and SVS.

In normal practice new stock products are added to the Stock module when inserting suppliers' invoices. Items can also be entered directly into the Stock module.

It is possible to select a specific Purchase Group for each stock item. If no purchase group is selected, the default Cost of Sales general ledger account will be allocated.

An essential part of the Stock module is the Reminder System. Reminders can be generated automatically by invoicing a stock product which has a reminder attached or they can be entered manually. These reminders form part of your on-going customer relations and marketing system.

In addition to acting as an entry point for stock purchases, the Suppliers module is used to maintain comprehensive accounting information on your Suppliers (creditors). All information entered in this area of the program is integrated to the appropriate areas in the General Ledger and Stock system.

See Also

Stock and Inventory Control

Restricting user access

Search for Stock

Stock Details window

Insert a Professional Fee

Insert a new Stock Item

Duplicate Stock Record

Stock Activity window functionality


Laboratory Fees and Cremation Fees

Working with Reminders

Formulated Procedures

Making Recommendations and Tracking Patient Compliance

Analysis Groups

Stock Locations

Drug Labels

Price Lists

Stock Price Increases

Professional Fee Price Increases

Inactivating stock items

Stock Wastage

Deleting Stock Items

Stock Discounts

Client Loyalty Scheme

Stock Transfers

Stock Taking

Stock ordering

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

SVS Integration

Measuring Inventory Productivity – The Ratios

Tips & Tricks