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Laboratory Fees and Cremation Fees

Laboratory Fees and Cremation fees and other charges where you do not purchase stock as such, should be dealt with in the following manner. While these items still have a sale price they should not appear on your stock take, and should not create a "negative sale" on your sales reports.

Create a Sales Group category

The Sales Group category allows you to group the various Lab Fees to facilitate analysis (if you do not have one already).

  1. Go to: Main menu > General Ledger module > General Ledger menu > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, type a code description for your Lab Fees. For example, Lab Fee Sales.
  4. Select Sales.
  5. Click Save.

Create a new stock item

Set up a stock item for each type of lab charge.

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details > Insert a new stock item with the following:
  2. Enter your Lab Fees Sales general ledger code that you created above.
  3. Enter the Sales Price Inc amount that you charge your customers.
  4. Click Save.

Create a Purchase Account

Set up a purchase account for payment of Lab Fees from a supplier.

  1. Go to: Main menu > General Ledger module > General Ledger menu > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, type a code description for your Lab Fees. For example, Lab Fee Purchases.
  4. Select Purchase.
  5. Click Save.

Entering a supplier invoice

When entering a supplier invoice, invoice straight to the general code for Lab Fee Purchases.

This method will ensure that your Lab Fees do not appear on your stock take, thereby throwing out your Stock Variance report.

If you wish to set up Cremation sales/purchases in the same manner replace the words Lab Fees with Cremation.

See Also

Stock and Inventory Control

Introduction to Stock Control

Restricting user access

Search for Stock

Stock Details window

Insert a Professional Fee

Insert a new Stock Item

Duplicate Stock Record

Stock Activity window functionality


Working with Reminders

Formulated Procedures

Making Recommendations and Tracking Patient Compliance

Analysis Groups

Stock Locations

Drug Labels

Price Lists

Stock Price Increases

Professional Fee Price Increases

Inactivating stock items

Stock Wastage

Deleting Stock Items

Stock Discounts

Client Loyalty Scheme

Stock Transfers

Stock Taking

Stock ordering

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

SVS Integration

Measuring Inventory Productivity – The Ratios

Tips & Tricks