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Stock Details window

Stock lists may have been imported into VisionVPM through a data conversion from your previous stock system.

Before entering additional stock items, first consider your coding and grouping of stock. VisionVPM can use both alphabetic and numeric codes. Some clinics find alphabetic codes easier to remember and quicker to use. These can be a useful way of grouping stock items together, for example, all vaccine codes start with VAX. If your codes are simple and logical, difficulties finding stock items and the likelihood of duplications in the system will be reduced.

Stock items can be accessed through the Stock Details window.

There are a number of buttons on the toolbar of this window:






Saves the information entered.



Cancels any changes made.



Displays a window for insertion of a new record.



Enables editing of the record if you are not using permanent edit mode.



Displays the Stock List from where you can search for a stock item.



Displays the stock movements for the selected stock item.




Displays the list of reminders linked to this stock item.




Displays the List of analysis groups for this stock item. Analysis groups can be added or removed through this window.



Displays the list of suppliers from whom this stock item has been purchased. The date of purchase and price are displayed. Supplier Bar codes can be added to this window.



Displays a stock adjustment window.



Displays the stock formulation for this stock code. Formulations can be added or edited from this window.

Formula arrow

Open Formulation

Opens the Stock Formulation window.

Show formulated products using stock_code

Lists all formulation which contain the selected stock item.



Displays list of stock letters attached to the stock item. You can add, delete and edit stock letters.



Displays a sales analysis by month by department for this product. Graphs display is available.

Other Buttons:






Opens a dialogue that allows you to set reorder levels and quantity by department. Seasonal stock levels can also be configured

Stock module menu:

See Also

Stock and Inventory Control

Introduction to Stock Control

Restricting user access

Search for Stock

Insert a Professional Fee

Insert a new Stock Item

Duplicate Stock Record

Stock Activity window functionality


Laboratory Fees and Cremation Fees

Working with Reminders

Formulated Procedures

Making Recommendations and Tracking Patient Compliance

Analysis Groups

Stock Locations

Drug Labels

Price Lists

Stock Price Increases

Professional Fee Price Increases

Inactivating stock items

Stock Wastage

Deleting Stock Items

Stock Discounts

Client Loyalty Scheme

Stock Transfers

Stock Taking

Stock ordering

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

SVS Integration

Measuring Inventory Productivity – The Ratios

Tips & Tricks