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Drug Labels

To print a drug label

Go to: Stock menu > Drug Labels.

Usually drug labels are printed via the animal record, but they can also be printed from the Stock module.

  1. Click the Stock Code arrow, and then select the stock item.
  2. In the Dose Rate and Quantity fields, enter required information.
  3. Click the Label Code field and double-click to select the dispensing instructions. If you do not have any preset dispensing instructions you can type the details in the Animal Treatment Only field.
  4. Click Print button, and then select the reporting destination.

As this label is not linked to an animal record (no client or animal information) and does not have the name or code of the prescribing vet, this is not usually suitable for Prescription Animal Remedies (PARs)

How to insert or edit label instructions

Go to: Stock menu > Label Details.

The Label Detail List contains coded label instructions for drugs. Having these in place saves time and improves accuracy when generating drug labels.

Despite having these abbreviations setup, if you always dispense a drug with the same instructions, you can add these to the Label Warning field on the stock item.

Existing label details can be edited by highlighting the required label and clicking Edit.

To delete any unwanted label details, highlight the unwanted line, click Edit, and then click Delete.

New label details can be inserted by clicking Insert.

  1. In the Code field, type a code of your choice.
  2. In the Message field, type the dispensing instructions that you wish to print on drug labels.
  3. Click Save.

See Also

Stock and Inventory Control

Introduction to Stock Control

Restricting user access

Search for Stock

Stock Details window

Insert a Professional Fee

Insert a new Stock Item

Duplicate Stock Record

Stock Activity window functionality


Laboratory Fees and Cremation Fees

Working with Reminders

Formulated Procedures

Making Recommendations and Tracking Patient Compliance

Analysis Groups

Stock Locations

Price Lists

Stock Price Increases

Professional Fee Price Increases

Inactivating stock items

Stock Wastage

Deleting Stock Items

Stock Discounts

Client Loyalty Scheme

Stock Transfers

Stock Taking

Stock ordering

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

SVS Integration

Measuring Inventory Productivity – The Ratios

Tips & Tricks